Alex Gladstein

Alex Gladstein is Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation. He has also served as Vice President of Strategy for the Oslo Freedom Forum since its inception in 2009. In his work, Alex has connected hundreds of dissidents and civil society groups with business leaders, technologists, journalists, philanthropists, policymakers, and artists to promote free and open societies. Alex’s writing and views on human rights and technology have appeared in media outlets across the world including The Atlantic, BBC, CNN, Fast Company, The Guardian, Monocle, The New Republic, The New York Times, NowThis, NPR, Quartz, TIME, The Wall Street Journal, and WIRED. He has spoken at universities ranging from MIT to Stanford, presented at the European Parliament and U.S. Department of State, and participated in Singularity University events around the world, where he serves as faculty and lectures on bitcoin and the future of money.

Alex Gladstein es el director de estrategia de la Human Rights Foundation. Como parte de su trabajo, Alex ha conectado a cientos de disidentes y grupos de la sociedad civil con líderes empresariales, tecnólogos, periodistas, filántropos, legisladores y artistas para promover sociedades libres y abiertas. A menudo habla y escribe sobre porqué Bitcoin es importante para la libertad. La Human Rights Foundation es una organización no partidista y sin fines de lucro que promueve y protege los derechos humanos a nivel mundial, con un enfoque en sociedades cerradas.

Day 2 | ECON Track | 9:05 - 9:25

Bitcoin is Hope!

Fireside Video with Gerson Martinez

Dive deeper

Watch - Bitcoin Is Protecting Human Rights Around the World

Bitcoin Is Protecting Human Rights Around the World

Listen - Check Your Financial Privilege

Check Your Financial Privilege

Listen - The Hidden Costs of the Petrodollar System

The Hidden Costs of the Petrodollar System

Listen - The Village and the Strongman

The Village and the Strongman

Listen - Who's for freedom, and who's not?

Who's for freedom, and who's not?

Watch - Can Bitcoin be Palesine's Currency of Freedom?

Can Bitcoin be Palesine's Currency of Freedom?


Solo para los primeros adoptadores

Los boletos para el evento solo pueden pagados con bitcoin a través de Lightning.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 300$



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador