Peter Todd
Peter Todd has been one of the most prolific contributors to free software and Bitcoin in general, and is known widely for his work on OpenTimestamps and Bitcoin Core.
Day 2 | DEV Track | 10:00 - 10:25
A Short History of Double Spend Protection
Day 2 | DEV Track | 3:05 - 3:45
Lightning Privacy Panel
Privacy is a fundamental human right, essential to autonomy and the protection of human dignity, serving as the foundation upon which many other human rights are built. If intrusive surveillance companies are allowed to continue their malpractices with further adoption of Bitcoin, this could become a threat to personal safety, human dignity, the operation of a free market and ultimately, a free society. This panel will discuss privacy of the on-chain footprint and privacy of the off-chain payments in the light of most recent technological developments like Taproot, Schnorr, PTLCs, Coinjoins, Trampoline and Swaps, as well as what areas need further development and resources.
Adam Ficsor - Wasabi Wallet
Peter Todd - Bitcoin Core Developer
Bastien Teinturier - Software Developer ACINQ
Openoms - Raspiblitz
Host: Stephan Livera - Host of the Bitcoin Podcast
Dive deeper
Listen - The Essence of Bitcoin

Listen - Should Signal have used Bitcoin instead?

Watch - Bitcoin History with Peter Todd and Guy Swann

Watch - Bitcoin Stories: Peter Todd

Listen - Peter Todd On Hardware Wallets, Security & Proofmarshall

Watch - Meddling with Time and Bitcoin