Conor Okus

Conor is a Product Manager at Square Crypto, managing their grant program that funds over 20 open-source developers and designers. He's also the User Experience Lead at Hello Bitcoin, the most friendly place for beginners to learn about Bitcoin.

Day 1 | DEV Track | 10:45 - 11:10

Improving the developer experience with BDK & LDK

Building Bitcoin Wallets with LDK & BDK - We'll give an overview of how developers can use these SDK's to build Bitcoin wallets faster without worrying about the low level logic.

Day 1 | DEV Track | 3:05 - 3:55

The Future of Lightning Custody

Self-custody of funds and holding the keys to your bitcoin is probably the most important best practice when starting to use Bitcoin, echoed in the mantra "Not your keys, not your coins". How can this mantra survive with millions of new users being onboarded to Lightning?

Pierre Marie Padiou - CEO of ACINQ
Nicolas Burtey - CEO of Galoy
Roy Sheinfeld - CEO of Breez
Conor Okus - Product Manager at Square Crypto

Host: Aaron van Wirdum - Bitcoin Magazine

Dive deeper

Watch - Bitcoin is for Everyone - Episode 1 | Hello Bitcoin

Bitcoin is for Everyone - Episode 1 | Hello Bitcoin

Watch - Saving for the future & working in the Bitcoin industry - Conor Okus

Saving for the future & working in the Bitcoin industry - Conor Okus


Solo para los primeros adoptadores

Los boletos para el evento solo pueden pagados con bitcoin a través de Lightning.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 300$



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador