Jonas Nick

Jonas Nick has been a Bitcoin developer with Blockstream since 2015. He is currently working in the research group focused on signatures and script languages like Miniscript and Simplicity for the Bitcoin protocol, wallets, the Elements sidechain and the Lightning Network. He is also a contributor to free and open source projects like Bitcoin Core, libsecp, rust-bitcoin and many others. Jonas is also a co-author of the Schnorr and Taproot specifications and works on both, theory and implementation, of various Bitcoin protocols like adaptor signatures, key aggregation, MuSig, MuSig2, FROST, Batch Verify and many more.

Day 2 | DEV Track | 9:30 - 9:55

Mass Adoption, But Decentralized

Because transaction throughput is limited, true mass adoption of Bitcoin can only be achieved today by giving up control to centralized institutions such as banks which is the exact outcome that Bitcoin was designed to avoid! This talk will discuss state-of-the-art research in scaling Bitcoin that does not give up on decentralization.

Day 2 | DEV Track | 5:15 - 6:10

Onboarding Bitcoin and Lightning Developers

Will Clark - Lightning Application Engineer at Global Mesh Labs
Gloria Zhao - Brink Fellow, Bitcoin Core Contributor
Adam Jonas - Qala
Jonas Nick - Bitcoin Research Blockstream

Host: Pablo Fernandez

Dive deeper

Watch - Jonas Nick - "Der Schnorr Zoo" in German

Jonas Nick - Der Schnorr Zoo

Listen - SLP222 Jonas Nick and Tim Ruffing: What's MuSig2? What does it mean for Bitcoin Multisig?

SLP222 Jonas Nick and Tim Ruffing: What's MuSig2? What does it mean for Bitcoin Multisig?

Watch - Lightning on Nixos by Jonas Nick - DEMO at Understanding Bitcoin

Lightning on Nixos by Jonas Nick - DEMO at Understanding Bitcoin

Watch - Jonas Nick: “nix-bitcoin: robust lightning nodes for hackers” #LightningNetwork Hack Day

Jonas Nick: “nix-bitcoin: robust lightning nodes for hackers” #LightningNetwork Hack Day


Solo para los primeros adoptadores

Los boletos para el evento solo pueden pagados con bitcoin a través de Lightning.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 300$



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador