
A former Data Scientist / Data Engineer, Josie originally found Bitcoin through a love of FOSS projects and now, in addition to contributing to Bitcoin Core full-time, is looking for ways to grow the Bitcoin community by helping others become Bitcoin and Lightning developers.

Day 1 | DEV Track | 9:15 - 9:40

Introduction to Chaincode's Lightning Protocol Development

Chaincode run's a 5-week seminar on Lightning, aimed at on-boarding developers to understanding and working on the Lightning Network. All of the material for the seminar is open source and any group of individuals can organize their own "seminar" or work through the material at their own pace. The goal of this talk is to explain the distributed learning format, introduce the material, and talk about my personal experience as a seminar participant.


Solo para los primeros adoptadores

Los boletos para el evento solo pueden pagados con bitcoin a través de Lightning.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 300$



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador