Michael Atwood

Michael Atwood is from Oshi, a hyper-verticalized local promotions marketplace. His take on Bitcoin and Lightning is that the combination of both will s‪upercharge millions of small businesses on a global scale rather sooner than we might think - Bitcoin Beach is an example for that.

Michael Atwood viene de Oshi, un mercado de promociones locales “hiperverticalizado”. Sus opiniones sobre Bitcoin y Lightning es que la combinación de ambos acelerará ‪millones de pequeñas empresas a una escala global, mucho más pronto de lo que pensamos - Bitcoin Beach es un ejemplo de ello.

Day 1 | ECON Track | 5:05 - 5:30

Taking local commerce off-the-chain

Local commerce is literally going off-the-chain (layer 2), and figuratively (it's going to be amazing). Michael will lay out his thesis on how lightning network ushers in a true e-commerce revolution for small businesses and consumers all over the world, lowers the 'costs of doing business', preserves community wealth, and empowers consumers, businesses, and local economies in ways that make sense, and sats, for everyone involved. Data will be provided backing this thesis, along with real-world examples of negative second and third order effects processing fees have on local economies that are easy to overlook. Additionally, he'll share insights surrounding lightning for ecommerce in both developed and developing economies. How to pitch it, success stories perhaps, etc. Bitcoin beach and El Salvador has inspired millions of people all over the world. There's no reason why people can't take small steps to foster the development of a 'bitcoin beach' in their community.

Dive deeper

Watch - The Exit Plan | Michael Atwood: Bitcoin Lightning Network, Oshi, & El Salvador

The Exit Plan | Michael Atwood: Bitcoin Lightning Network, Oshi, & El Salvador

Listen - Thriller Lightning: Oshi Founder Michael Atwood

Thriller Lightning: Oshi Founder Michael Atwood


Lightning only

Tickets for this event can be paid with bitcoin over Lightning only.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 $300



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador