Romain Rouphael

Romain Rouphael is the Co-Founder of LN Markets and ITŌ - the latter is the FinTech company that build LN Markets. The trading platform LN markets is built on the Bitcoin Lightning Network which uses Bitcoin, paid and settled over the Network as collateral for derivatives trading. Romain has 12 years experience in strategy, business development and data science within the FinTech industry.

Romain Rouphael es el cofundador de LN Markets e ITŌ, siendo esta última la empresa FinTech que construyó LN Markets. La plataforma de trading LN Markets se basa en la Lightning Network, que utiliza Bitcoin, pagado y liquidado a través de la Red como garantía para el comercio de derivados. Romain tiene 12 años de experiencia en estrategia, desarrollo empresarial y ciencia de datos dentro de la industria FinTech.

Day 2 | DEV Track | 2:35 - 3:00

Running a big Lightning node: challenges, findings and next steps

LN Markets founders Victor and Romain will reveal all the intricacies they encountered in running a major LN node

Dive deeper

Read - LN Markets is on Bitcoin mainnet

LN Markets is on Bitcoin mainnet

Watch - Potzblitz! - The weekly Lightning talk #2 with Victor Afanassieff, Romain Rouphael and Josh Scigala

Potzblitz! - The weekly Lightning talk #2 with Victor Afanassieff, Romain Rouphael and Josh Scigala

Watch - MCCVR 2020: Romain Rouphael - LN Markets: How Instant Transfers Reshape Finance

MCCVR 2020: Romain Rouphael - LN Markets: How Instant Transfers Reshape Finance

Watch - Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre LNMarkets - Hablemos de Bitcoin con R. Rouphael

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre LNMarkets - Hablemos de Bitcoin con R. Rouphael


Lightning only

Tickets for this event can be paid with bitcoin over Lightning only.

Ticket Schedule

Late Mover from November 1 $300



Adopting Bitcoin

Sheraton Presidente
Ave. La Revolucion,
San Salvador, El Salvador